I'm still not happy with my story, and so I am tweaking around the edges. This version is an extremely rough story layout that worked for me in the flow of coming up with things. This story provides similar aspects from before, but with a message behind it. This isn't fully done yet as I'm not sure how to end it. The idea is, what do dogs do/where is he going, the dog sneaks out to see somebody that lost their pet/loved one- because even though we walk past people and ignore each other, dogs pick up the vibe and will just think with their heart and help people without needing to say a word. Everybody could use a pet from time to time. Dogs will just reach out to people when they need them. The idea here is that he goes out of his way to make sure someone is okay, when his owners just discuss all the things normal dogs do, or what we imagine our dogs really do when we're not around.