Today we looked at expressions, we could do this with any character so I decided to revive Chips from my previous project. I feel comfortable enough with him to mess with his features and expressions, so this was quite a fun little task. 

We then looked at anthropomorphising objects, I got a wardrobe. We then had to play with the expressions of this character and make it feel like it could make sense.  

We then gave animals expressions- which was hard, I had to do an Ostrich. Which ended up looking more like a dinosaur, but I did end up getting a better understanding of how to give a character expressions. 

In the afternoon we looked into our own projects, I wanted to look at a simplistic background idea surrounding the temple. I like the rough idea I've come up with so far- but there can be more added to it.

Then I realised I had to try and develop the actual ninja, which has been a struggle with the calligraphy style looming over me. After speaking with Justin we decided to match the Ninja to the style of the ink monster from last week, so I started sketching with the idea of a spider-man type of mask on the eyes for his expression being the main focus.